
Treatment of Lung Cancer

of Lung Cancer

The Patient Journey

While no two lung cancer journeys are identical, here is an overview of what a patient may go through while seeking suitable treatment.

Phase 1: Symptoms Detection

Phase 1: Symptoms Detection
When lung cancer symptoms appear, many people may mistake them for other problems, such as an infection or long-term effects from smoking. Click here to find out the signs and symptoms of lung cancer.

Phase 2: Diagnosis
To establish a diagnosis, your doctor will perform diagnostic tests and procedures to confirm the presence of lung cancer. Once lung cancer has been diagnosed, your doctor may conduct further tests to find out the stage of your cancer. Click here to learn more.

Phase 2: Diagnosis
Phase 3: Treatment Planning

Phase 3: Treatment Planning
Work together with your doctor to find the treatment plan that is right for you. Your participation is important so that your doctors consider your preferences and you know what outcomes you can expect from your treatment. Click here to read more about treatment options for lung cancer.

Phase 4: Prepare for Treatment
Take care of your physical wellbeing and emotional health to help optimize your response to treatment. Ask your doctor what you can do to ease the potential side effects that you may experience from your treatment.

Phase 4: Prepare for Treatment
Phase 5: Find Support

Phase 5: Find Support
Connect with a medical social worker to find support groups and learn more about financial support that may be available to you. Click here for more information.

Phase 6: Living with Cancer
Living with lung cancer is a journey. Click here for more tips on how to cope as you navigate through treatment and beyond.

Phase 6: Living with Cancer
Phase 1: Symptoms Detection

Phase 1: Symptoms Detection
When lung cancer symptoms appear, many people may mistake them for other problems, such as an infection or long-term effects from smoking. Click here to find out the signs and symptoms of lung cancer.

Phase 2: Diagnosis

Phase 2: Diagnosis
To establish a diagnosis, your doctor will perform diagnostic tests and procedures to confirm the presence of lung cancer. Once lung cancer has been diagnosed, your doctor may conduct further tests to find out the stage of your cancer. Click here to learn more.

Phase 3: Treatment Planning

Phase 3: Treatment Planning
Work together with your doctor to find the treatment plan that is right for you. Your participation is important so that your doctors consider your preferences and you know what outcomes you can expect from your treatment. Click here to read more about treatment options for lung cancer.

Phase 4: Prepare for Treatment

Phase 4: Prepare for Treatment
Take care of your physical wellbeing and emotional health to help optimize your response to treatment. Ask your doctor what you can do to ease the potential side effects that you may experience from your treatment.

Phase 5: Find Support

Phase 5: Find Support
Connect with a medical social worker to find support groups and learn more about financial support that may be available to you. Click here for more information.

Phase 6: Living with Cancer

Phase 6: Living with Cancer
Living with lung cancer is a journey. Click here for more tips on how to cope as you navigate through treatment and beyond.

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