
Caregiving 101

When your loved one receives a cancer diagnosis, both your lives are forever changed. It’s normal to feel a range of emotions – overwhelmed, frightened, numb, unfocussed, lost and unprepared. The road ahead will seem daunting and you will likely have lots of questions. Here you’ll find information on what to expect when caring for a loved one with cancer.

Taking care of yourself as a caregiver
Grid Taking care of yourself as
a caregiver1

For most caregivers, being there when a loved one needs you can be very rewarding. However, on top of your usual work and household chores, you are also caring for a loved one with cancer, going to appointments with them, and making treatment decisions. With so much to do, it is only natural to feel angry, frustrated, exhausted, alone or sad. You may be a caregiver, but you still have your own needs to take care of.

Put time aside for yourself to do the things that you enjoy


Take care of your own health and wellbeing


Know what you can’t do


Accept Help

Your well-being is important
Your well-being is important


MSD Coaster

If self-care were a game of bingo, would you win?

As caregivers, it's so easy to put self-care on the back burner, but you deserve as much love and care as you give others.

Click the button below to save this as a reminder to prioritise your wellness.

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1 American Cancer Society. Taking Care of Yourself When You’re a Cancer Caregiver.
Available at
